Main Artist MIA | Devlog #12


  • I would like to be transparent with everyone, our main artist who handles our scenes has gone MIA on us and has not responded in a month, this has caused our deadlines to be affected, we took quick action to find another artist to handle our sex scenes so we are now back but our deadlines are delayed. We apologise for the inconvenience and if there are any questions we are available to answer them.
  • We started and currently are still in the process of changing over to our new identity

    Late Night Studios!

  • If we get the sex scenes quicker, we plan to update this dates to be sooner but for now tentatively these are the dates.
  • More secret surprises coming soon!
  • Important Dates
  • Release (0.2.5) For Cuck Club ๐Ÿ“ and Bull Club ๐Ÿฆฌ Members:  August 17, 2024
  • Release (0.2.5) For Cuck Lords ๐Ÿ” : August 10, 2024
  • Release (0.2.5) Public Release : September 24, 2024

What we are working on

  • Sex Scenes - 30%
  • Website - Paused


  • Map
  • Code
  • Audio
  • Story
  • Scenes
  • Character Design

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